Student Support Services » District Preparedness: Immigration and Education

District Preparedness: Immigration and Education

Welcome to the CVUHSD Immigration and Education Resources Page!
Centinela Valley Union High School District is committed to supporting all students and families, regardless of immigration status. This page provides valuable information, guidance, and resources to help families navigate questions or concerns related to immigration. Here, you will find legal assistance contacts, information about student rights, and proactive steps families can take to ensure safety and preparedness. The resources on this page also provide a clear understanding of how District Staff will respond to immigration enforcement actions. Our goal is to ensure that every member of our community feels safe, valued, and supported in our schools.

¡Bienvenido a la Página de Recursos para la Inmigración de CVUHSD!


El Distrito Escolar de Centinela Valley Union High School está comprometido a apoyar a todos los estudiantes y sus familias, sin importar su estatus migratorio. Esta página ofrece información valiosa, orientación y recursos para ayudar a las familias a abordar preguntas o preocupaciones relacionadas con la inmigración. Aquí encontrará contactos para asistencia legal, información sobre los derechos de los estudiantes y pasos proactivos que las familias pueden tomar para garantizar su seguridad y preparación. Nuestro objetivo es asegurar que cada miembro de nuestra comunidad se sienta seguro, valorado y apoyado en nuestras escuelas.

Board Policies on Immigration Enforcement


The Centinela Valley Union High School District Governing Board is committed to the success of all students and believes that every school site should be a safe and welcoming place for all students and their families, regardless of their citizenship or immigration status. To learn more about how district staff will respond to immigration enforcement actions, please review our policies below.

Políticas de la Mesa Directiva sobre la Aplicación de Leyes de Inmigración


La Mesa Directiva del Distrito Escolar de Centinela Valley Union High School está comprometida con el éxito de todos los estudiantes y cree que cada escuela debe ser un lugar seguro y acogedor para todos los estudiantes y sus familias, sin importar su ciudadanía o estatus migratorio.

Para obtener más información, consulte nuestras políticas a continuación.

Know Your Educational Rights!
The California Department of Justice has prepared an Immigration-Enforcement Action at California Schools guide for students and families that provides important information regarding the educational rights of students in California Schools.

¡Conozca Sus Derechos Educativos!


El Departamento de Justicia de California ha preparado una guía sobre acciones de aplicación de leyes de inmigración en las escuelas de California para estudiantes y familias, la cual proporciona información importante sobre los derechos educativos de los estudiantes en las escuelas de California.

Independent Study Option
Centinela Valley Union High School District understands that some families may have concerns about their student participating in on-campus activities. To support all students, we offer enrollment in our Independent Study School, providing a flexible and safe learning environment that allows students to continue their education from home. For more information about this option, please visit the Independent Study School webpage or contact the Office of Student Support Services at (310) 263-3173.

Opción de Estudio Independiente


El Distrito Escolar de Centinela Valley Union High School comprende que algunas familias pueden tener preocupaciones sobre la participación de sus estudiantes en actividades dentro del campus. Para apoyar a todos los estudiantes, ofrecemos inscripción en nuestra Escuela de Estudio Independiente, que brinda un entorno de aprendizaje flexible y seguro, permitiendo a los estudiantes continuar su educación desde casa.

Para obtener más información sobre esta opción, visite la página web de la Escuela de Estudio Independiente o comuníquese con la Oficina de Servicios de Apoyo Estudiantil al (310) 263-3173.

Additional Resources
This website contains important information for districts, schools, students, and parents with timely information and resources to support the immigrant community.
This website contains important information and resources such as Legal Assistance, Quick Reference Cards, Preparedness Toolkits, etc.
In case of an emergency, you can report ICE activity and enforcement actions by calling your local rapid response network.
This website offers a services locator for addresses in LA County.
This website offers a food pantry locator for addresses in LA County.
This website contains important information and resources for noncitizens who have been detained.

Recursos Adicionales


Centro de Recursos Legales para Inmigrantes (ILRC)
Este sitio web contiene información y recursos importantes, como asistencia legal, tarjetas de referencia rápida, guías de preparación, entre otros.


Portal de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE)
Este sitio web contiene información y recursos importantes para los no ciudadanos que han sido detenidos.

What happens if an ICE Agent asks for student records or for access to a student?
The California Department of Justice has prepared Quick Reference Guide for School Officials to provide information regarding what to do if an immigration enforcement officer comes to their school. Please note that all requests from an officer to access to student records, the closed campus, or to meet with a student will be referred to an Administrator. The Administrator will record the name, badge number, agency phone number, and all documents provided by the requesting officer. If submitted, judicial warrants will be reviewed by the District's legal counsel prior to providing access. Parents of the affected students will be notified, and all documents and other information will be provided. Please see the Quick Reference for School Officials document below for specific practices.

Guía de Referencia Rápida para Funcionarios Escolares


El Departamento de Justicia de California ha preparado una Guía de Referencia Rápida para Funcionarios Escolares con información sobre qué hacer si un oficial de aplicación de leyes de inmigración llega a su escuela.