Interdistrict Permits

What is an interdistrict transfer permit?

Parents/guardians of a student who reside within the geographic boundaries of a school district but would like their student to enroll in a school of another district must obtain an interdistrict transfer permit approved by both the district of residence and the district of proposed enrollment.

Interdistrict transfer permits do not have to be renewed unless one of the conditions apply:

  1. The agreement specifies the need for an annual renewal of the permit.
  2. The student has moved, and the district of residence is different.

What is the process for obtaining a permit?

Incoming Transfers: A parent/guardian (or other educational rights holder) who would like their student to attend a school in the CVUHSD must first submit a request and receive approval from their student’s district of residence. Once the approval is received, the parent/guardian must then complete and submit the CVUHSD Incoming Interdistrict Permit Application.


Outgoing Transfers: A parent/guardian who would like their student to attend a school outside of the CVUHSD must complete and submit the CVUHSD Outgoing Interdistrict Permit Application. If granted, the parent must then follow the filing process at the district of proposed enrollment. 


Note: All applications must include the required supporting documents in order for the request to be reviewed and processed. 


What are the reasons the CVUHSD may approve a request?


The District may approve an interdistrict permit request for the reasons provided in the chart, which also includes the required supporting evidence/documents that must be submitted along with the application.


Reason for Request

Required Evidence/Documents

Continued Enrollment

To allow a student to continue attending their current school.

Documentation indicating the school at which the student is currently enrolled.

Mental or Physical Health

To meet the student’s special mental or physical health needs.

Certification of the student’s mental or physical health needs by a physician, school psychologist, or other appropriate school personnel.

Military Dependent

To allow the student of an active military duty parent to attend the district of proposed enrollment.

Proof that the parent/guardian has full-time military duty status in the active uniformed service of the United States.

Parent Employment

To allow the student to attend a school in the district where the parent/guardian’s workplace is located.

Proof of employment (e.g., pay stub, letter from the employer), indicating the location of employment within the district of proposed enrollment and the work schedule (days and hours).

Personal and Social Adjustment

To provide a change in school environment.

Information and evidence directly related to the personal and social issues that necessitates a change in school environment.

Referred by an Agency

To address documented cases of serious home or community problems.

Written recommendation by the school attendance review board (SARB) or by county child welfare, probation, or social service agency which must detail the circumstances making it inadvisable for the student to attend the school of residence.


To allow a student to attend a school in the same district as their sibling to avoid splitting the family’s attendance.

Sibling’s last report card and enrollment verification indicating that the sibling will continue to attend school in the proposed district of enrollment in the term requested.

Specialized educational program

To allow a student to attend a school that offers an educational program that is not offered in the district of residence.

Flier, brochure, or other informational material from the school of proposed enrollment detailing the educational program in which the student is interested -- the program must be an academy or other multi-year educational program. Does not pertain to individual courses, athletics, or extracurricular activities or programs. 

Victim of an Act of Bullying

To safeguard a student who has been determined to be a victim of an act of bullying, as defined by EC 46600(d)(4)(B).

Copy of the written complaint regarding the bullying that the parent/guardian filed with the school, district personnel, or a law enforcement agency. Also, a copy of the investigative report that made the determination that the student is a victim of an act of bullying.


Are there additional documents that also need to be submitted as part of the application?


Other than the evidence/documents that must be submitted to support the reasons for the transfer request, all applications must also include the following for placement considerations:

  1. Permit approval from district of residence (applicable to incoming transfers only)
  2. Most current transcript and report card
  3. Attendance record from the previous school term
  4. Discipline record from the previous school term
  5. Most current IEP or Section 504 plan, if applicable (Note: Students with IEPs may also be required to obtain and submit an inter-SELPA Agreement.)


What are the applicable timelines?


For an interdistrict transfer request received by the CVUHSD 15 or fewer calendar days from the first day of school in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the District will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision within 30 calendar days from the date the request was received.


For an interdistrict transfer request receive by the CVUHSD more than 15 calendar days before the first day of school in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the District will notify the parent/guardian of its final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the first day of school in the school year for which the transfer is sought.


Failure of the parent/guardian to meet any timelines established by law and/or CVUHSD policy will be deemed an abandonment of the request, and would not be eligible for appeal.


What are the reasons a permit could be denied, rescinded, or revoked?


An interdistrict transfer permit may be denied, rescinded, or revoked under one or more of the following determinations:

  • Student repeatedly fails to make appropriate academic efforts.
  • Student repeatedly fails to abide by school, district, and state attendance policies.
  • Student repeatedly fails to uphold appropriate behavior standards.
  • False or misleading information was provided.
  • Other conditions that occur that would render continuance inadvisable.


Existing interdistrict transfer permits may not be rescinded for students after June 30 following the completion of 10 grade, or for students in grade 11 or 12.


What is the process for filing an appeal?


If the CVUHSD denies the request for an interdistrict transfer permit, the parent/guardian may file an appeal with the District Hearing Panel by completing and submitting the Permit Appeal Request within 10 school days of receiving the notice of denial. The parent/guardian will have the opportunity to present their case to the District Hearing Panel and submit any additional evidence/documentation to support their reason for the request.


If the parent/guardian’s appeal is denied by the District Hearing Panel, a written notice will be provided, informing the parent/guardian of their right to file an appeal with the Los Angeles County Board of Education within 30 calendar days from the date of the District’s final denial. Failure of the parent/guardian to submit an appeal with the County Board within the 30 calendar days will be deemed an abandonment of the request. 


Note: A decision to rescind or revoke a permit may not be appealed. Students who are under consideration for expulsion or who have been expelled may not appeal a denial while expulsion proceedings are pending or during the term of the expulsion.


Other important information.


  1. Interdistrict transfers are accepted to the District, and not a specific school. The CVUHSD will attempt to accommodate a parent/guardian’s request for a particular school, but the request is not guaranteed.
  2. Students admitted into the CVUHSD under an interdistrict permit are assigned to schools where space is available at the discretion and determination of the Office of Student Support Services.
  3. When there is a change in residence, the parent/guardian must notify the school of the change promptly because the current permit may no longer be valid.
  4. Unless required by law or policy, transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
  5. To review the CVUHSD’s policy and regulation on interdistrict transfers, please click the applicable link: BP/AR 5117, Interdistrict Attendance.



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