Home and Hospital Instruction Program
Note: Contact the Special Education Department for students with permanent disabilities or permanent medical conditions that prevent them from attending regular day classes in person.
Any student with a temporary illness or injury, which makes in person attendance in regular day classes or an alternative education program impossible or inadvisable, may receive Home & Hospital (H&H) instructional services. Instruction in the Home & Hospital Program is provided by the Centinela Valley Union High School District.
The Centinela Valley Union High School District Home & Hospital Program is designed to provide instructional continuity to students who are temporarily unable to attend their classes in person due to major surgery/traumatic injury; cancer/chemotherapy; chronic health impairment; or, other debilitating health conditions.
To qualify for Home & Hospital instructional services, the student’s temporary disability must be diagnosed and verified in writing by a licensed physician, clinical psychologist, or psychiatrist. The term “temporary disability” means disabled by accident or by physical, mental, or emotional illness for a period of four (4) weeks or longer.
Home & Hospital instruction is a short-term service mandated by State law with specific guidelines for program implementation and delivery, as detailed in the California Education Code referenced below:
California Education Code 48206.3 (a) Except for those pupils receiving individual instruction is provided pursuant to Section 48206.5, a pupil with a temporary disability which makes attendance in the regular day classes or alternative education program in which the pupil is enrolled impossible or inadvisable shall receive individual instruction provided by the district in which the pupil is deemed to reside.
(b) For purposes of this Section and Sections 48206.5, 48207, and 48208, the following terms have the following meaning:
(1) “Individual instruction” means instruction is provided to an individual student in the student’s home, in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding state hospitals, or under other circumstances prescribed by regulations adopted for that purpose by the State Board of Education.
(2) “Temporary disability” means a physical, mental, or emotional disability incurred while a pupil is enrolled in their home school regular program or alternative education program, and after which the pupil can reasonably be expected to return to regular day classes or alternative education program without special intervention. A temporary disability shall not include a disability for which a pupil is identified as an individual with exceptional needs pursuant to Section 56026.
In considering the needs of students with chronic illnesses or with medical conditions that are reasonably likely to require hospitalization and/or extended absences, home teaching services will be made available in an effort to support the student’s instructional program until they are able to return to school. A Home & Hospital teacher provides instructional support for the courses in which the student is enrolled to the greatest extent possible.
Home & Hospital Instruction is designed as a temporary service, with the intent to maintain continuity of the student’s instructional program during the interim period of disability; however, the health recovery of the student takes first priority, with school being secondary. While home instruction will help the student progress academically, it is important to understand that student performance may not be equal to that demonstrated while participating in the regular school day program. Home & Hospital does not replace, over an extended period of time, the regularly required instructional program.