Special Education » Parent Resources

Parent Resources

CVUHSD Parent Training Opportunities
CVUHSD is committed to providing parent training opportunities focused on engaging parents in the educational process, helping them support their children's learning, and building a strong home-school partnership. For this years' training opportunities, click below:

Community Resources


Southwest SELPA

The Southwest SELPA services over 13,000 students in 12 School Districts and 8 Charter SchoolsResponsibilities of the SELPA include such things as Ensuring Program Availability for all Children with Disabilities, Curriculum Development and Support, Community Advisory Committee Support, Transition Planning, Legal Assistance, Program Evaluation, Interagency Coordination, Program Coordination, Fiscal Management, Community Awareness, and Staff Development.


Westside Regional Center
Regional Centers are nonprofit, private corporations that contract with the State of California, Department of Developmental Services (DDS). Regional Centers are funded to provide diagnosis and assessment of eligibility and help plan, access, coordinate and monitor the services and supports that are needed because of a developmental disability.

Westside Regional Center (WRC) is one of the 21 regional centers that provide services to persons, age three and above, with a disability pursuant to the Lanterman Act and infants and toddlers, birth to 36 months, who have a need for early intervention services and who meet the eligibility criteria for the California Early Start program.


Department of Rehabilitation

The California Department of Rehabilitation is a California state department which administers vocational rehabilitation services. It provides vocational rehabilitation services and advocacy from over 100 locations throughout California seeking employment, independence, and equality for individuals with disabilities.

Request for Special Education Evaluations


CVUHSD is committed to identify and evaluate any child, of high school age, who is not showing adequate progress within the learning environment. Our schools have implemented multiple tiers of interventions to assist our children in our schools. Among other supports, we have in place the Student Success Teams (SST) at each school site, which work in collaboration with parents, to address academic and social/emotional needs that may be affecting their child’s school progress. 


If the child does not respond positively to the accommodations and/or interventions implemented through the SST process, over certain period of time, he/she might be referred to be evaluated to determine whether he/she qualifies to receive special education services. 


This request should be in writing and submitted to your child's school site administrator.