Linked Learning
What is Linked Learning?
California ’s high schools are not working for large numbers of young people, with students feeling bored, unchallenged, or unclear about the relevance of school. Linked Learning is a high school improvement approach that makes learning exciting and challenging. It connects strong academics with real–world experience in a wide range of fields, such as engineering, arts and media, and biomedical and health sciences—helping students gain an advantage in high school, college, and career. Pathways that link learning with student interests and career preparation lead to higher graduation rates, increased college enrollments, and higher earning potential. While there is no one right way to implement a pathway, each embraces four core components. Used in schools throughout California , this integrated approach helps students build a strong foundation for success in college and career—and life.
Linked Learning Core Components
Rigorous academics
Real-world technical skills
Work-based learning
Personalized supports
Centinela Valley Union High School District as an AB 790 Pilot District
The Linked Learning Pilot Program is a statewide effort to improve student outcomes, transform high schools, and align K–12 education with workforce and economic development needs. Centinela Valley was selected to participate as a pilot district through AB790 and is now having its ten college and career academies work towards earning Linked Learning certification and expanding this initiative by adding more career academies to the district.