Academy Work Based Learning Resources
Work-Based Learning: Student Outcomes and Quality Criteria
In the Linked Learning approach, student learning outcomes are defined from graduation down through the grade levels and drive all learning experiences. As such, student learning outcomes drive all work-based learning. As a primary Linked Learning instructional strategy, work-based learning can ensure that all students make progress toward specific learning outcomes. High quality, Linked Learning work-based learning experiences must be:
Driven by student outcomes rather than activities.
Designed according to quality criteria rather than driven by other factors such as schedule, availability of partners, and maximizing the numbers of students participating.
Targeted toward all students rather than some students.
Focused on college and career readiness rather than only career or job readiness.
Integrated into the pathway program of study, connected to classroom learning, and embedded in multi- disciplinary projects rather than in a separate and extra program or activity.
Sequenced and coordinated rather than ad hoc.
Supported by a team of academic and career-technical teachers rather than only by career-technical teachers.
Centered in a workplace or at school or supported by technology or a combination of these things rather than only located in a workplace.